
Reach more than 1 billion users with dynamic advertising on Facebook.

Activate new sales channels with Facebook Shop and Instagram Shopping Tags

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Grow your sales with Instagram Shopping Tags

Users are spending in Instagram approximately 1 hour daily. Connect your catalog to Instahram and add product tags and stickers to your posts and stories. Shoppers will be able to tap a link to go right to your store and purchase the product. Use of Shopping Tags on Instagram business account increase conversion up to 20%.

Sell on Facebook

Add a shop section to your Facebook Business Page to start sellinh to your customers where they spend time.

Create posts with your products to attract shoppers attention.

Help shoppers find your products with Facebook Ads

  • Showcase your products in ads
  • Facebook: Make posts in news feed, chats and advertisng sections
  • Instagram: Tag product in your posts and stories

Set ads using Facebook Pixel

  • Настройте таргетинг рекламы, используя критерии миллиардов пользователей;
  • Build your audience using the data Facebook pixel loads from your store;
  • Create ads that showcase your products;
  • Measure the results in Facebook Business Manager.
Test Facebook integration now